
Search Engine Marketing

Google may say their Google Ads platform is too hard for small businesses to use, and we tend to agree—unless you have the right help that is. We’ll get you seen with targeted search engine marketing campaigns that will attract your ideal customer.

Let's Get Traffic To Your Website

What Is SEM?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.

SEM may incorporate search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to enhance pay per click (PPC) listings

“A great team to work with. I was impressed by their attention to detail and genuine desire to learn about our company before they took on our ads. They have a very talented design team and their ad copy was also top class.”


Marketing Manager, North Tax Accountants

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

While using Google, you’ve probably seen the ads at the top of the search results. What you may not know is just how affordable and efficient these ads can be—when they’re done right.

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing through Google Ads lets you only pay for what you use.

To have your ad appear in search results for a certain keyword, you must first win the bid for it in the ad auction.

If successful, your bid is how much you pay every time someone clicks on your ads to visit your website or contact you.

You can also set a maximum amount of clicks, so you can control exactly how much you spend.

Pay-per-click marketing in Brisbane


Have you ever typed in a search query and have a particular ad follow you everywhere you are on the internet?

That’s Re-marketing ads.

Remarketing is a clever way to connect with visitors to your website who may not have made an immediate purchase or enquiry.

It allows you to position targeted ads in front of a defined audience that had previously visited your website – as they browse elsewhere around the internet.

Think of it like sparking their memory.

These ads have a higher conversion rate as the people seeing them have already learned about your brand.

It’s just a matter of finding the right technique to seal the deal.

Pay Per Click Package Pricing

Have something more custom in mind? Get A Quote

Advanced PPC Campaign Plan

PPC Large Package provides your business with a dedicated PPC specialist to Create, Manage, and Monitor your Paid Digital Media Account. Keyword research is used to analyze which search terms will be more beneficial for your business.

A four-step process which consists of

1) setting media objectives in light of marketing and advertising objectives,

2) developing a media strategy for implementing media objectives,

3) designing media tactics for realizing media strategy, and

4) proposing procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of the media plan, are used to provide the business owner the digital presence he needs in Google & its Search partners.

The same will be implemented on other platforms such as Facebook.

The goal is to allow the business owner to grow his company together with his online audience. It also includes a Remarketing campaign that will target people who already visited your site.

Each PPC Package includes free Landing Page Analysis, daily performance monitoring, reporting, dashboard integration and reporting, and Project Manager consultation.

Keywords Up to 70
Ad Groups Up to 30
Ad Texts Created 12
Reporting Monthly & Weekly
Bid Optimization Twice a Week (if needed)
Project Manager Consultation Weekly
Google My Business (if needed) Yes
Location Targeting 
(if with Google My Business Account)
Banner Ads Creation $399 (Up to two studies)
Landing Page Analysis Free
Landing Page Optimization and Setup Add $449
Thank You Page Creation + Google Analytics Set up Add $249
GTM Installation + Event Setup Add $299
Enhanced Ecommerce Setup for WordPress Only + Google Analytics Set up Add $299

Interested in The Advanced PPC Plan? Get A Quote

Frequently Asked Questions

Still Not Sure? Here are some answers to questions you may have.

Do I Need Both SEO and PPC?

Search engine marketing (PPC/SEM) is paid to advertise with almost instant results (if done right). Whereas search engine optimisation (SEO) may not give you the results as fast but it pays off well over time. They both have their place for achieving short and long-term website traffic goals.

What is PPC?

A paid online advertising strategy, pay-per-click advertising allows your business to place ads across the web. You can promote your company in search results, on websites, and even on social media platforms. PPC ads can feature text, images, and even video.

What Are The Benefits of Paid Search Advertising?

PPC ads produce fast results.

PPC ads bring immediate traffic to your site from the search engines. This makes paid search advertising a great complementary tactic to help support your SEO efforts.

Will I Get Leads?

Paid search ads help you generate more qualified leads.

PPC ads help small businesses bring in more qualified and relevant leads to their website.  With PPC ads, you are strategically targeting the types of consumers who are most likely to be interested in your brand. This means that the traffic you drive to your site from these ads is more qualified.

How Do I Know The Ads Are Working?

If you are getting enquiries/leads, means your ads are working. Paid search advertising provides measurable results. You can clearly measure every aspect of your PPC ad campaigns including the number of clicks, the cost per click, and how many sales are coming from these clicks. This helps you make better use of your ad budget and find ways to improve your results over time.

I’ve Tried Google Ads Before & They Didn’t Work?

Here’s a question? If you advertise on TV and your ads fail to give you the results you are after – do you blame the TV channel or the advertising?

Search engines like TV are a medium or channel to display your offering to your audience – you must use the AIDA principle to get results, however, the fine art of advertising is more than a formula  – let us help you develop the right message to the right audience

What is the difference between ad impressions and ad clicks?

When an ad is viewed by a person who uses a search engine to type a search query, it is called an impression. Impressions are free, but in order to get them, you must have highly relevant ad experiences with a competitive bid for that search query.

To take it a step further from impression to click, you must have an ad that separates you from your competitors with relevant messaging, and all the latest features and add-ons that help increase your ad’s real estate.

How often do you review PPC accounts, keywords, and negative keywords?

At least every day or two, at a minimum. To ensure you are not wastefully spending, our PPC Strategists monitor traffic regularly to identify emerging keywords with a high return in clicks and conversions. At the same time, we identify and filter out keywords that cause your ad to appear in irrelevant consumer searches, which puts you at risk for worthless clicks and drains your budget.

How is my cost for advertising determined?

What you pay is determined by a number of factors, including:

  • What your competitors are willing to pay
  • How well your ad is written
  • How relevant your ad is
  • How well your landing page performs and how successful your ad is

Because Google and other PPC channels strive to ensure they create a highly relevant experience for search users, and because they also want to ensure that advertisers continue generating strong ROAS, they reward highly relevant ad experiences with lower costs per click.

What does this mean? The better you maintain your ads, your keyword universe, and your landing page experiences, the most cost-effective your PPC campaigns will be!

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